Thursday, July 30, 2009

FRI JULY 31 6PM-11PM | reception


a group invitational multi-media exhibition

produced by Plastic Fantastic 

FRI JULY 31 6PM-11PM | reception

Visual art works by 

Krisanne Baker

Maggie Nowinski

Diedra Krieger

Steve Pauley 

Water soundscape mixed live by Radere. 

After Party with DJ Modesta.

Cupcake Dome, Christiana Kugel.

STUDIO 34 yoga | healing | arts

4522 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104, p 215.387.3434

Monday, July 27, 2009

SUN JULY 26 2PM-10PM | workshop

"Help build Plastic Fantastic, a 16-foot geodesic dome covered in repurposed water bottles. DJ & refreshments."

Studio 34 yoga | healing | arts, 4522 Baltimore Ave, 19104

37 people showed up over the course of the day from 10:30 am thru 10:30 pm to help build Plastic Fantastic's 16 foot geodesic dome. 

We covered 26 of the 33 triangles in water bottles. Each triangle holds about 2-300 bottles.

Thank you to everyone who contributed!